Thursday, October 6, 2011

Penny for Your Thoughts?

Have you ever thought how bloggers made money, or if they made money at all? Or if blogging was a good way to have money coming in by just voicing your thoughts or writing a couple posts related to an event? Keep in mind there may be different types of blogging. Some blogs are used to just interact with people but some blogs are actually used for making money.

There are blogs that are used for selling or advertising a product or products. For example if you visit Mom Review Blog you will see that there are many products being advertise. The writer or writers in this blog make money by reviewing them or referring you to a link to purchase a product. Usually by clicking on the link to buy the product, the blogger gets paid for it.They don't get paid the amount that the product costs but a percentage of it. Blog posters may even sell their own product, which can make them earn more money depending on how well their sale goes.

Ads in blogs are also a way bloggers make money. If you see advertisement for other websites or stores in the blog page, they blogger was paid by the owners or the advertisers to have their ads placed there. That doesn't necessary mean the blogger recommends the product or the website, it's a way to earn some cash.
Blogs that use any of the two options above get paid for it. Keep in mind whether you can trust the links, the product or the reason why are reccomending the product or advertising a website.

Blogs like Three Sonorans are unpaid blogs, which means that no sort of money comes in. The blog (or blogs) have options of donation. Therefore anything donated goes strait to the blogger, but that doesn't mean everyday people donate money to the blogger. In cases like these the blog owner relies on some other sort of income.

In conclusion, blogging can be used to interact with people or for income purposes. This blog, is the kind whose purpose is to interact and inform readers. :)

RIP Mac Daddy

Steve Jobs died yesterday October 6 2011 of pancreatic cancer. Steve jobs was  the CEO of Apple that was co-founded in 1976. Jobs saw the digital future and everyone saw the amazing work Jobs did whole he was still with us. Steve Jobs was also co-founder of Pixar Animation Studio. Which made many successful movies like Toy Story, A Bugs Life, Monsters Inc. and Cars.

In the past hours it has been see how a man, even though not everyone knew him, will feel his absence in this world. Jobs was the face of the digital age and the past, present and future.