AZ State Sen. Russell Pearce |
Arizona State Senator
Russell Pearce was recalled November 8, 2011 and was defeated by
Jerry Lewis. Unlike Pearce, Lewis does not support the harsh immigration laws that have taken a toll on the citizens of Arizona. Russel Pearce is know for his strong support of the harsh Anti-Immigrant law
SB 1070.
It is said and known that Russel Pearce was one of the most powerful State Politicians in Arizona. Russell Pearce stood behind SB 1070, despite the lawsuits that from various government and civil rights groups. Russell Pearce also was the one behind changing the
14th Amendment. Pearce wanted to change the amendment so that it would deny automatic Citizenship to newborns of Undocumented parents. Pearce tried to convince and justify this act. According to Pearce those are 'Anchor Babies' Babies that are born here, sent back to the country their parents come from to raise them as Terrorists and bring them back with a Passport to terrorize America. That was not voted into law, and was denied.
Jerry Lewis |
Jerry Lewis, a republican who won 54% of the votes, claims to be against SB 1070. Lewis said that he would have voted No on the SB 1070 bill, despite the frustration to keep the border 'secure'. Lewis vowed to not "take any lobbyist or special interest group's gifts, lunches, tickets,
or any other privilege."
Gov. Jan Brewer |
Arizona took a step forward in recalling Russell Pearce, if this can be done, so can other things. For example; recalling
Jan Brewer. Brewer signed: SB 1070 into law (she had the power to veto it), Signed HB 2281 into Law (the law that bans Ethnic Studies form being taught in the Tucson Unified School District) And is know to be affiliated with
Private Prisons.
State Attorney General Tom Horne |
Let's not forget former Superintendent of Public Education and now State Attorney General
Tom Horne. Horne drafted HB 2281 and in charge of developing English Learning Classes (which segregate Non-English Speaking individuals into 4 hours block periods)
Now, we have long ways to go in Arizona. But if Pearce can be recalled, so can these. La Lucha Sigue, The Struggle Continues!