It is clear, and is proven that when officers are sent to peaceful protests, things end up getting ugly. In most cases, the officers spark up the conflicts. With them dressed in their Navy Blue Uniforms, with loaded guns and battons sttrapped around their waist, and rolling up in their cruisers that read the words 'Police' and the motto "Ready to Protect, Proud to Serve."
But the questions is: who are they protecting and who are they serving? It's bad to overgeneralize and portray all the officers in a negative way. But the way they've been handeling situations on Wall Street, it seems they are on the bad side of history. This doesn't just happen on Wall Street or the Occupy Movements, but in peaceful non-violent protest.
Take a look for you self, and see it with your own eyes:
Occupy California, Officer pepper sprays the peaceful protestors. Police Brutality.
Now, the police brutality is everywhere. After April 26, in Tucson, Arizona. Ethnic Studies fighter youth UNIDOS take over the board meeting, preventing a vote to be made on turning the classes into elective. Youth chain themselves to the empty board members seats in the of a Non-Violent Civil Disobedience. The video bellow shows the action, where no one was hurt and no vote was made.
Then when the meeting was postponed, on May 3rd, this is what the meeting looked like. Here it is easy to see the police brutality.
Who are they serving? Who are they protecting? They sure aren't protecting us and clearly they do not let us excessive our rights.