Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top Stories!

Can it Ever Get Better?

Last week Sunday, a child by the name Jamey Rodemeyer took his own life. 14 year old Jamey was bullied and harassed for being Gay. His bullying went beyond and got worse to the point where his formspring (a social network that let's you post comments/questions anonymously to the user) was even being used as a way to harass him. Jamey made a video called "It Gets Better" where he explains how he struggled and how Lady Gaga Has helped him love who he is.

Now the thing is this, is your child a bully, do parents know that their child bullies another kid? Also, should there be a law criminalizing bullying as hate crime? Jame Rodemeyer and Lady Gaga

Abuse of Power, World Wide.
Imagine if one day you see your son and the next moment you're receiving his body. A body wit h two gunshots to the chest, one to the shoulder, one through the mouth, with broken arms and cigarette burns on the face. Then soon after, you get a call that your daughters mutilated body is at the morgue. Her body cut in four pieces, and taking a life of an innocent person.
This video and article explain what Syria is going through, since the slaying of a son and the mutilation of a daughter. This is perfect example of how dangerous it is to be right, when the government is wrong.

 Don't You Have A Heart?
“If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they've been brought there by no fault of their own, I don't think you have a heart.”-Rick Perry

By far, I am surprised that a "Conservative" from Texas would say something like this, because the right wing always gives you the negative. For those who don't know, Perry spent his first six years in politic as a Democrat. Now the controversy here is him not explaining what he meant correctly. The use of "I don't think you have a heart" is being looked down upon. Although, he could've explained better, ask your self what is the real issue here? Immigration or trusting someone like Rick Perry who obviously doesn't know to what political party to stick to. Or maybe we should pay attention to both and compare and  contrast.

How Immigration Blew Up On RIck Perry

Wall Street Occupation.
(C)John W. Cohoen

Second week in and still continuing. The occupation of Wall Street by protesters is showing what they are whiling to do. But do they have their clear message together? For me, as a youth activist it can look organized but when you are asked why are you doing this, you message must be clear. If you have no idea what your message is, then everything looks messy and redundant, I am an advocate for non-violent civil disobedience and standing up for a cause. At the same time I advocate for organized protests because you have a set goal. In this video, 80 are arrested during a peaceful march. Take a look and see if this is the correct form of non-violent civil disobedience. Also, in interviews see if you can identify t heir message, is it clear to you why they are there?

Non-Violent Civil Disobedience is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power. The act refrains from any violent or anything that can be dangerous to others.

No Border Wall!
It is very ironic to me that the Government has commanded the building of a border to keep the U.S safe. Arguments always consist of false accusations or over generalization: they come into our country to steal jobs, harm our people or cause crime. But, do they not pay attention to the fact that their own border causes hundreds of deaths? Are they too greedy or too prideful to share what America has got to offer. Migrants help the economy very much because of their hardworking attitudes and whiling to make money the right way. So why not  BURN THE BORDER AND MELT THE ICE?

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