Thursday, October 20, 2011

Apologies to La Raza

Current State Superintendent John Huppenthal will be at the Fox Theater today and so will protestors.

Huppenthal who ran his campaign vowing to "Stop La Raza" declared The Mexican-American Classes in violation of (A.R.S.) § 15-112) -HB 2281on June 15 2011. According to the $175K audits, the cirricuum was in no way violating the law, in fact they saw that the classes were positive and did not advocate to overthrow the United States Government. Huppenthal found the classes in violations and in compliance with HB 2281.

Not only did Huppenthal run a racist campaign, but he committed a class 6 fellony. Acording to Article 38-423, acording to public officers:
"A public officer authorized by law to make or give any certificate or other writing, who makes and delivers as true such a certificate or writing containing a statement which he knows is false, is guilty of a class 6 felony"?
Now why is Huppenthal still our superintendent, and why hasn't he apologized for harming teachers, students, and the community in which he should advocate for higher education? Why should we welcome him? When he doesn't welcome Education, especially not the Mexican American Studies classes?


 Here is a video of Huppenthal declaring the classes in compliance with HB 2281.

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